Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Technology newsbucket: Nokia's split plans, when will WP7 pay?, online contempt and more

Plus computers in the classroom, resetting your Android phone, HP pulls out of home servers and more

Photo by dagtj on Flickr. Some rights reserved

A burst of 13 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team

Nokia: MeeGo will not displace Symbian as enterprise OS >> ZDNet UK
"Nokia has said it will stick with Symbian as its main business-phone platform even when MeeGo, the handset-maker's new top-end operating system, is released.
"On Tuesday, Nokia business smartphones chief Ilari Nurmi told ZDNet UK that Nokia had "great converged device plans based on the MeeGo platform" and there were "different types of needs and wants in the enterprise market", but the new OS would not be pitched at the enterprise as a replacement for the ageing Symbian."
I'm starting to wonder whether even Nokia knows what the hell its OS plans really are.

5 of the Best: Free and Open Source Data Mining Software >> TechSource
Just in case you find yourself, you know, doing some data mining.

When are WP7 Payouts Active? >> App Hub Forums
Apparently developers will have to wait until February 2011 to get their cheques. Some developers aren't thrilled..

IBM chips: Let there be light signals >> CNET News
"IBM has achieved a major milestone in making the dream of silicon photonics, in which computer chips send signals of light rather than electricity, into reality."
Complex, but interesting.

Interesting Ways: using computer in the classroom >>
A long and interesting list of links to items such as QR Codes, blogs, web conferencing and more. Fabulous.

When You Should Give Your Android Phone a Factory Reset >> Tested
Provided as a public service.

Online, Anonymity Breeds Contempt >>
"Even in the fourth century B.C., Plato touched upon the subject of anonymity and morality in his parable of the ring of Gyges.
"That mythical ring gave its owner the power of invisibility, and Plato observed that even a habitually just man who possessed such a ring would become a thief, knowing that he couldn't be caught. Morality, Plato argues, comes from full disclosure; without accountability for our actions we would all behave unjustly."

HP Pulls Out of the Windows Home Server Market, Leaves Vail Out in the Cold >> We Got Served
"The move will be seen as a significant blow to Microsoft, who partnered with HP throughout the development of the first Windows Home Server release and launch of the MediaSmart Server back in 2007. Whilst the company did not make any connection between their decision to drop Windows Home Server and Microsoft's recent announcement to cull Drive Extender from the platform's next release, lower than expected sales undoubtedly contributed to the demise of the MediaSmart Server, with little hope of a meaningful sales boost from next year's hobbled release."
Basically, not good for the home server market. Looks like the Xbox is it.

Microsoft strong-armed into adding WP7 homebrew - ChevronWP7 discontinued as developers enter discussions >> TechEye
"The developers behind the ChevronWP7 jailbreaking tool have discontinued it after striking a deal with Microsoft to integrate homebrewing options directly into the operating system itself."

Google Buying Groupon Is A Flawed Idea >> Business Insider
"Groupon is a feet on the street business employing over 3,000 people globally. So at $600 million in annual revenues, that amounts to only $200,000 of annual revenue per employee. Google on the other hand does about $30B in revenues with around 25,000 employees, which works out to $1.2 million in annual revenue per employee and that's including all the employees that work in Google businesses that produce no revenues at all. In other words, Google is a technology company and Groupon is a people company."

What app drains your Nokia battery most? >> Nokia Conversations
It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry at this rather incompetent attempt at crowdsourcing. "So, as mentioned in the poll itself from last week, we decided to remove the 'Other' option from the poll. As many of you noticed ? 'Other' appeared to be the most draining feature on the phone. But as we don't know what 'Other' is, we couldn't really count it as a feature, so we asked for your next two big drainers."

Make your own iPhone App | Free iPhone App Maker >> AppMakr

Sneak peek at the new Save experience >> Delicious blog
Delicious changes its user interface for bookmarking, but forgets to deal with that little annoyance called the "users", who are somewhat restive once it is introduced - for the worse, some think - further down the thread. (Yes, we're among those who don't like the change, which reduces functionality.)

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