Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post: IEC: What Does It Mean to Have a Service Strategy?

Early this year, our survey into infrastructure strategy trends showed that many organizations were embracing ITIL v3, but in an limited and cautious way that emphasized Service Operations. Historically, the sheer magnitude of ITIL and other process improvement frameworks has generally favored a phased approach for steadier, incremental benefits. Yet many organizations have not yet seen that ITIL v3 is not simply an upgrade to the operational disciplines familiar from v2, but a refocus from process control to customer-aligned service development - a refocus that requires a view of strategic endstates beyond a target level of process maturity.

The move from technology operator to service provider requires a more comprehensive approach to service lifecycle management and a deliberate integration of work on individual processes - in other words, a service strategy that looks beyond incremental, independent, or sequential improvement of individual processes to the coordination of processes in the delivery of clearly-defined services and, ultimately, business value.

Full article at:

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