When OpenFeint announced it was going cross platform last month, everyone figured it would have an effect on the state of gaming in the Android Market. But I don't think anyone could have guess just how much. Within 72 hours of launch, both the number one and number two spot for the most downloaded paid games were using OpenFeint. Of course we're talking about Fruit Ninja and Mini Squadron, both of which are made better (and more engaging) with the addition of multiplayer through OpenFeint.
It doesn't stop there. Out of the eight games incorporating OpenFeint, four of them are top 15 sellers, and the addition of Android games to the OpenFeint system brings the number of total users to over 40 million, making it the largest mobile social gaming network in the world. I've bought (and wasted countless hours playing) a few Open Feint enabled games, and can understand the attraction. And to follow up all this success, OpenFeint has announced a new batch of 12 titles they're bringing to Android, including titles from Glu, PikPok and ChickenBrick Studios. While my credit card and battery may not be very happy, I can't wait. Read the full press release after the break.
Posted originally at Android Central
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