Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Page: sponsors

Delivering world-class training on the latest Microsoft technologies, Microsoft Learning provides special offers that help empower you to, fulfill your potential. Find limited-time product offers and discounts on the training and Microsoft Certifications that you need today.


Microsoft.com/Student is the digital center for students wanting to see what Microsoft has to offer.

The Microsoft Certified Master program offers advanced training and certification on Microsoft server technologies to senior IT pros worldwide.  A Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) stands out from the crowd in the competitive IT market with proof of deep technical know-how and mission-critical skills validated through passing the intensive exams required for certification. According to a recent survey conducted among MCMs, nearly 80% reported that the certification helped them differentiate themselves from their competition, gave them more credibility in the marketplace, and made their technical deployments more effective for their customers. MCMs have clearly demonstrated their  in-depth, expert-level abilities to design, configure and troubleshoot complex  implementations in the most in-demand Microsoft technologies. Employers who hire MCMs know that these individuals possess the right skill sets; customers get the best possible value from their product purchase when an MCM is involved.

Find out more about the MCM program:  http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/master.aspx

Source: http://borntolearn.mslearn.net/careerfactor/p/sponsors.aspx

Texas Instruments Teradata Teletech Holdings Technitrol

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